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AutoJpegTrunk (English ver)

     AutoJpegTrunk is an automation tool for exiftool.exe (by Phil Harvey). It uses exiftool for cleaning up jpeg files from any meta data. Cleaned files load faster and take lesser space on your hdd.

Current version: 1.1. New in this version:

+ Now you can specify the path to the files much faster. Instead of pressing “Specify path” try put path to your files directly in the edit-section "Path". Take this path from a windows-explorer (or "agent"), just open the folder with the files that need to be processed. The path is always displayed in the "address", copy it to JpegTrunk’s edit “Path

+ After telling program the working path, you can press enter instead of pressing “Process” button, it’s a bit faster and more convenient.

+ On the right of the line "Path" appeared a button "Read path". This is such a crafty button that does exactly the same thing, that a little bit forgotten already button in the left side of the program named "Specify the path". You may ask - so why read already shown path, instead of it I can click the "enter" key and processing starts? Bingo! If you think about it, then you, as a minimum, the attentive reader. Button "Read path" hides one interesting possibility - it will display all found files in the window "Found files and folders". And then you can select a specific file to JpegTrunk it, in such case Trunkator will not touch other files in folder (as soon as you put the cursor on a file, the path to it immediately appears in the "Path"). To process a single file, you need to select it and press "Process", or simply double-click on it with the left mouse button.

And the last thing about ver 1.1. Now you can enter the path not just to a folder, but to a specific file directly in the line "Path" and press “Process” or “Enter”. If it''s a file with extension jpeg or jpg, the program will understand it and will only process your file, not touching the other files and folders.

In the next version I will try to fix sometimes buggy interface of the program.

AutoJpegTrunk English

     Please, do not forget that exiftool.exe must be in the same directory as JpegTrunk.exe. Program field "You won" (in ver 1.1 renamed to "Disk space saved") shows you hdd space, saved after tool's work.

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